Swing Layout布局 - Swing




  • 这是非常繁琐的容器内处理大量的控制。

  • 通常当我们需要安排他们没有给出一个组件的宽度和高度信息。

Java 为我们提供了各种布局管理器来定位控制。属性如大小,形状和排列变化从一个布局管理器,其他的布局管理器。的小应用程序或应用程序窗口的大小改变时,即布局管理器applet浏览器或应用程序窗口的尺寸适应于响应的大小,形状和排列的组件也随之变化。



Sr. No. 接口&说明
1 LayoutManager 布局管理器接口声明的对象将充当一个布局管理器类需要实现的方法。
2 LayoutManager2 LayoutManager2中的子接口布局管理。这个接口是为那些知道如何布局容器的基础上布局约束对象的类。



Sr. No. LayoutManager & Description
1 BorderLayout The borderlayout arranges the components to fit in the five regions: east, west, north, south and center.
2 CardLayout The CardLayout object treats each component in the container as a card. Only one card is visible at a time.
3 FlowLayout The FlowLayout is the default layout.It layouts the components in a directional flow.
4 GridLayout The GridLayout manages the components in form of a rectangular grid.
5 GridBagLayout This is the most flexible layout manager class.The object of GridBagLayout aligns the component vertically,horizontally or along their baseline without requiring the components of same size.
6 GroupLayout The GroupLayout hierarchically groups components in order to position them in a Container.
7 SpringLayout A SpringLayout positions the children of its associated container according to a set of constraints.

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